
What is it?

The Coliseum is an online weekly tournament that will take place in-game on Heavy Metal Machines. It consists of a ranking of teams that will battle in a special group queue during a period of 3 hours on each Sunday. At the end of each Stage, the teams that participated will be ranked according to their performance. Prizes will be delivered in up to 48h after the end of each Stage.

The Tournaments have two divisions, Colosseum Beginner and Colosseum Pro.

Colosseum Beginner and Pro

The Coliseum will split participating players according to their experience level to provide balanced matches in the competition. In order to determine which team is eligible to compete in the Beginner or Veteran division, the game system will analyze all players from a team at the moment that its captain clicks on the “Play” button to find the first match.

All players with less than 500 victories overall and rank lower than Gold V on Ranked Mode (less than 2000 Rank points) are eligible to play the Beginner’s. All the other players must compete in the Veteran division.


See all the rules relating to Colosseum Beginner and Colosseum Pro by clicking here.