The Machines

How do I drive my Machine?

The image shows the default commands to drive your Machine. You are also free to customize them the way to like them the most by accessing the Options > Commands menu.

How do I use my Weapons?

Every Machine has three standard Weapons and one Special Weapon. Some Machines also have a Passive weapon. The standard Weapons will enter cooldown after being activated, and you must wait some seconds to use them again. The Special Weapon won't be available at the start of the round. It will charge slowly over time and when you cause damage to enemies with your other weapons, as well as repairing teammates! Once you use it, it'll have to be recharged again by the same methods.

Which Machine should I choose?

There are three basic roles inside HMM: the Interceptors, the Transporters, and the Supports.

  • The Interceptors are specialized in preventing enemies from taking the Bomb. They have strong push capacity or good damage. Their goal is to take the Bomb from the enemy and protect your Transporter by killing enemies!

  • The Transporters are experts in delivering the Bomb to the enemy base. Resistance, speed, and agility are some of their skills.

  • The Supports are focused on helping Transporter deliver the Bomb by repairing and protecting them while also disrupting the enemy.

Each team will benefit from having machines from different roles.