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10 / 08 / 2021
Vulture – Full LoreThe hammer struck the metal, sending sparks flying in the dark forge, the only light in the shadows. The smith did not need much else to see his work as he brought the hammer beat out its rhythm. Even at this early stage, as he warped the hot metal into […]
10 / 08 / 2021
Stargazer – Full Lore“Hey, Jada! Earth to Jada!” Jada jolted as she became aware of her surroundings. She had gotten caught up, staring at the monolithic Grand Cathedral of the Sect of Metal that towered over the city. She had been so distracted, it took her a second to even notice Lenz’s hand […]
10 / 08 / 2021
Icebringer – Full LoreYou think you understand the world. There is the Sect, the Patrons, and the Arena. Pilots race and crash for the crowd, grand shows of hot fire and hard metal. You live inside the walls of Metal City, where you need only worry about mundane threats. Will that stranger steal […]
10 / 08 / 2021
Peacemaker – Full LoreThe Looped Tank bar wasn’t full, but neither was it quiet. The drinking hole always had something going on if its doors were opened, no matter how small the turnout was. A group of dust raiders had rolled into the city to watch the tournament, and they had filled up […]
14 / 07 / 2021
Sugoi Machines: Season 13 Lore – Act 2“Cut! Wildfire, your delivery was so forced there. You’re supposed to be showing a more vulnerable side to the usual tough demeanor.” “I told you before, you blue buffoon, I don’t do vulnerable! And why is Neo Samurai even in this story, I don’t remember helping you take down […]
13 / 05 / 2021
Sugoi Machines: Season 13 Lore – Act 1Tayen sat at the bar at the Looped Tank, both hands gripping the glass in front of her. She’d been in Metal City for several weeks now but the dreams hadn’t become any clearer. If anything, they’d started becoming harder to understand. Every night it was the same image: a […]