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Metal Gladiators
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Everything posted by EnragedOxygen

  1. Hello from russia, our little gaming group liked your game a ton. But please, tell me. why? just WHY? The most stylish and badass driver in the whole game "Heavy metal Judge" is so bad. He looks so cool that 70% of our games had one, but Its feels like 4v3 when some poor enemy picks him. Let me explain. Q- He deals 25-32damage per bullet with a 3-4 max clip. Extremly hard to use gun, people usually hit with only 1 bullet if their target makes any effort to weave a little. Even if you hit them with the full volley you deal miniscule damage for such a feat (75 or 128). What makes it even worse, Q range is too short to compensate for low damage, sniping a wounded bomb carrier from afar is out of question. Now we get to TempHP part. Long story short, its unusable. Why? because you have to collect scrap to get TempHP. While tailgating someone you might get some TempHP, but you wont need it, your dmg is too low for anyone to give a flying zog about you. While carrying the bomb, you might get some TempHP if enemy vehicle is driving right behind you, AND you turn your vehicle around. SURPRISE! THAT WORKS DIRECTLY AGAINST YOU'R BEST ABILITY- W. W- The saving grace of this driver. Rampage is charging you? W got you covered. Rednecks are playing with their magnet? W got you covered. Slow? W. Hard turn? W! But alas, its not enough. Q relentlessly drags you down to trash tier. R- Remember Q? Same thing but much faster, can actually deal some damage at the final stretch... and nowhere else. If you have to turn, even a little, you lose your aim, and your chance to do any dmg with this hard to charge ult. Also you cant effectively use it while carrying the bomb yourself, because you MUST use your best ability !W! at the final stretch or be dragged into bomb-drop zones. My suggestions. Make Q give less TempHP, but per enemy hit, not per scrap collected, might give him some survivability. Or make it possible to use W while driving backwards. I might not understand this game too well after 50+ games, but this driver seems too weak. Even his own kit does not synergise with itself. AND PLEASE, DO CORRECT ME if im wrong, maybe judge-players and i did not realise his full potential yet. Sorry if i sound too harsh.This post has a lot of grammar mistakes and hatred in it. Im tired from endless 3-0 streaks caused by those judge players.
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