Nickname policy for the launch of the new Friends System

  • 13 / 12 / 2019

As the new Friends System rises on the horizon, a few changes follow and will be applied to all current nicknames registered in the game. 


Upon the launch of the Friends System on December 18th, all nicknames will be temporarily reduced to the maximum of 10 characters in adjustment to the new system. For example, the nickname “MissFullScreen” (14 characters long) will be temporarily reduced to “MissFullSc” (10 characters long) due to this process.


But don’t worry, in the first login after the system launch, all players will be asked to create a new nickname.


It’s important to remember that your friend list will remain with the same contacts, and you don’t need to add your friends again.


Nickname creation policy

Creating a nickname is the first thing that’ll be done when connecting to Heavy Metal Machines for the first time, so there are a few rules that you might want to keep in mind:



The system will only allow certain specific characters to be used, aiming for a clearer naming policy, as well as global understanding.


  • Nicknames must be at least 3 characters long and no more than 10 characters long;
  • Characters from A-Z (upper and lowercase) and 0-9 are allowed;
  • Space cannot be used;
  • The hyphen sign (-) can be used;
  • The first letter of a nickname must be a character from A-Z.
  • A selection of accented characters from A-Z can be used:


á ç í ó ú
â é î ô Ü
Â É Î Ô ü
ã ê ï õ ù
à è ı Ö û
À È İ ö Û
Ä ë
ä Ë



  • The nicknames must follow the Rules of Conduct, as described in clause 6.
  • There is a filter that will eliminate most inappropriate names or names that include profanity.
  • Nicknames format will be as follows, with the nickname first, followed by the PlayerTag: nickname#123456
  • Every player will have a unique PlayerTag. It is generated automatically and can’t be changed.
  • Nicknames can’t be changed. We have plans to add an item for that, but there’s no expected date for its launch at this point.


For any further questions or doubts, please access our Discord and our team will reply promptly.


Heavy Metal Machines Team