30% Off Cash Packages, 500% more Fame, Previous Seasons items available in Store, and more!

  • 12 / 01 / 2022

Hello Metal Gladiators,

All Models, Emotes, Effects, and Sprays (except some event or exclusive items) from the previous Seasons are now available in the Store! You can now get all the items you always wanted and some of them are now available for Fame.

In addition, all Cash packages* from January 12th, 2022 to February 12th, 2022 are with a 30% discount, giving you more bang for your buck. *Please be advised that the reduced Cash packages for PlayStation users will only start on the 26th of January, due to external approval processes. 

Furthermore, you will now receive 500% more Fame for Casual Matches in order for you to unlock Machines as you progress.

Finally, we made adjustments to the matchmaking queue for Casual and Ranked matches. Casual matches will now prioritize Players vs. Players, which may increase the waiting time a little, but decrease the number of Bots in each match.
Ranked season, has been extended to reflect the extension of the Metal Pass. The Ranked time windows have been adjusted to two hours per day for each server region in order to incentivize more players to join the queue at the same time. You can check the new times inside the game.

In case you have any questions concerning these changes do not hesitate to reach out to our Community Managers on our official Discord server.

See you in the Arena!