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What new game-mode would you add to HMM?

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With the latest word from Harkness it got me thinking about possible other game-modes. 

What game-mode would you guys like to see in HMM? 

Myself, I'd like to see a capture the flag game-mode. have two on each side of the map, and the drivers have to defend their flag from being taken while taking the enemy's flag back to their base. However, possibly with some hazards and defenses that can be activated such as attack helicopters and spike strips. 

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I think having a race mode where its 1 on 1 or 2 on 2 where the remaining players on each team will try to interfere with the race only at selected spots but can't really enter the track for too long, possibly have some kind of major pickups in some hard to reach areas of the map which will interfere with the race, like you said attack helicopters, spikes, mines. the ones racing would need to have limited power usage though. It could even have fixed cars to race with , the 2 being lotus and photon.  
 Will post more if i can think of others.

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1) BOSS Mode

10 player against a Boss.

Boss will be made like a Mix of the actual Cars with more Life and Upgraded Skils and more damage.

2) I'm The Boss

A normal game but you choose one of the Boss existing in game


Cars have extraordinary abilitys like Clunker with 10 hooks around the car. WildFire with 10s Cd Ultimate and ... etc etc just Crazy things  


Other thotes Here http://www.heavymetalmachines.com/forum/br/index.php?/profile/8-soyer/ [PORTUGUESE]

Edited by Soyer
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A Racing Game Mode would be fun.

You would have to make it so people that are behind can take short-cuts to catch up.


If you used the current map and had to race from one side to the other. The "Shields" would block everybody, but after the lead-car passes the shield, on the opposite side, the shield would go down. (This way, cars that are behind can catch up)


Also - If you died you could start from the beginning and catch up by just taking all the short-cuts that are now open.


You would have to think of some sort of advantage to staying alive (like faster nitro regeneration) --At the start Nitro could regenerate really slow, and the longer you stay alive the faster it regenerates. This way not dieing is a huge benefit.

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This game would be awesome with point captruing gamemode. Maybe even with variations like 3 pointareas map and 1 pointarea map.


Well this game is awesome already, but needs more stuff to do.

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