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New Machine: Hack'n Slash

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CAR NAME: Hack'n Slash
PILOT NAME: Gretel S. Gundahar
CLASS: Transport/ Intercept

Descrição da Piloto: Uma moça alta, de cabelos pretos e olhos castanhos profundos. Usaria uma roupa branca e sempre estaria com sua espada. Teria sotaque alemão.
Pilot Description: A tall girl with black hair and deep brown eyes. She would wear a white outfit and would always have her sword. She would have a German accent.

Cheolseung Ok Tumblr posts - Tumbral.com

Descrição da Maquina: Um triciclo pequeno bastante agil, teria um espaço na frente onde a espada passaria. Teria pouco HP.
Description of the Machine: A small, very agile tricycle, would have a space in the front where the sword would pass. There would be little HP.

This is a tilt-wheeled design called Nemo

Theme: A musica dos dois irmãos se completariam se vc sobrepor, no caso dela teria maior uso da guitarra.
The music of the two brothers would be complete if you overlap, in her case she would have more use of the guitar.


Gêmea mais velha, veio com seu irmão para Metal City devido a um pedido de um cliente misterioso que os contratou para participar do torneio. Mestra no uso da espada, o metal dela corta qualquer coisa exceto ela mesma, vai usar suas habilidades rapidas e precisas para cumprir seu contrato.
Older twin, she came with her brother to Metal City due to a request from a mysterious client who hired them to participate in the tournament. Master in the use of the sword, her metal cuts anything except herself, she will use her quick and precise skills to fulfill her contract.

PASSIVE - When Angels Deserve to Die 

Toda vez que acerta um inimigo marca ele, inimigos marcados recebem mais 5% x numero de marcas do dano base da habilidade (maximo de 4 marcas).
Every time an enemy hits a mark, marked enemies receive an additional 5% x number of marks of the base damage of the ability (maximum of 4 marks).


1st SKILL - Slash

Da um corte horizontal na frente da maquina causando dano nos inimigos atingidos
Gives a horizontal cut in front of the machine causing damage to enemies hit

Pin on Spells 

2nd SKILL - Sword Dance

Fica intangivel (exceto se for uma habilidade em area), da tres cortes no local e depois reaparece.
It is intangible (except if it is an area skill), gives three cuts to the site and then reappears

how fast is dbz - Gen. Discussion - Comic Vine

3rd SKILL - Wind Cut

Da um pequeno boost pra frente que atravessa inimigos, inimigos atravessados ficam paralisados por 1s e depois tomam um dano massivo.
Give a small boost forward that passes through enemies, crossed enemies are paralyzed for 1s and then take massive damage.

Crunchyroll - Forum - 5 Things Commonly Done in Anime Sword fighting which  is NEVER done in real swordfighting - Page 3

ULTIMATE - Death By a Thousand Cuts

Gira loucamente para frente cortando com a espada causando dano em todo inimigo que atingir.
It spins madly forward, cutting with the sword, dealing damage to every enemy it hits.

Spin attack by k7vin on DeviantArt

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Pick quote: "I've got the edge!"
Pick 2: "Sharp as a razor!"
Kill quote: "You've been cut down to size."
Low life: "My blade... It's being dulled!!!"
Boost: "Slice and dice baby!"
Win quote: "I knew i could count on my blade."
Lose quote: "No! There's got to be some mistake!"

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