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  1. General Added feedback for when the player is experiencing connection issues The feedback will be displayed whenever the following information is not loaded: Daily Missions News Window Teams Tool Player’s Cash and Fame values Automatic Training Training will be automatically initiated for all new players It is possible to exit the training at any time by selecting the option in the ESC menu Some texts have been altered, with the goal of improving new players’ initial experience Upon exiting or finishing training for the first time, a window will pop-up and offer the player to look for a match Added a loading status bar in the training loading screen Developer Notes: We’ve decided to do it this way so we can ensure that the new player learns the primary functions of the game and how it operates as a whole. This way, the chances for the player to have a better experience in their first match are considerably larger. Want to give your opinion on this update? Tell us what you think Click here.
  2. New Arena: Cursed Necropolis The story behind the new Arena is mainly related to Windrider and her tribe. They were living in peace on the tribe fields until the dark day that Full Metal Judge made his foray to eliminate all living beings there. He was succeeding but was not expecting such strong defensive line, a divine protection called by the tribe ancients: the Divine Serpents. Even so, Full Metal Judge overcame the defenses… and in a desperate final move, the Serpents called an ancient curse that almost killed FMJ and transformed his life forever. The same curse, however, also reawakened the Windrider spirit! Layout The arena has wider roads which is good for passes and spread out battles. The goals are wider and it is less difficult to score. The arena doesn’t have sharp turns, so the player doesn’t drift around and hold more control of the vehicle. The starting point is closer to the spawn point of the bomb, so the new players don’t run the wrong way in the beginning. Acid The acid works similar to the lava in the other two arenas. Before getting to it, the player will face a blocker and treadmills. The blocker has the same mechanic from the other arenas. The treadmills are a new feature: it slowly pushes the player to the acid. Yet, the wide road gives the player enough space to maneuver and avoid death. The acid deals 600 of damage per second to the players -- which is pretty much “instakill” Ritual Circle The Ritual Circle is the final obstacle before the goal line. Here, the player can either run over the outer lanes and get sped up or choose the inner lanes and slow down. In one case, you could end up in the Acid. In the other, detained by the enemies. The circle is empty in the center, but there are blockers around it. It serves as a third option to the players that are not carrying the bomb. The circles spins in the counterclockwise way, so when the enemy retrieves the bomb, the there is a shorter and safer way to counter attack. Bomb Reflectors The Bomb Reflectors work as posts to the goal. If a player throws the bomb and hit of them, it bounces back with spin mode activated. The reflectors main objective is to prevent the bomb from staying still on the dropper and accidentally crosses the goal. Returning Characters Black Lotus Weapon 1: Astral Projection This weapon projects a copy of the Lotus to hit enemies. It decreases the cooldown of the Weapon 2 when successfully performed. The area around the projectile deals damage. Damage: 120 Area damage: 40 Cooldown: 2,75 seconds “Weapon 2 cooldown” effect: 3 seconds Weapon 2: Karma The Karma weapon makes Black Lotus invulnerable. All the received damage is block and dealt back in the dealer. Blocking an attack decreases the cooldown of it. Duration: 0,6 of second Cooldown: 10 seconds Reflected damage: 100% Cooldown decrease: 5 seconds Weapon 3: Soul Pilgrim The Soul Pilgrim pushes Black Lotus forward. It has three charges: you can either hold the button or press three times separately. If you go through any opponent while pressing, the Lotus get sped up. Charges: 3 Cooldown (for each charge): 6 seconds Damage: 100 Ultimate Weapon: Nirvana When the Black Lotus reach the Nirvana, it lasts for 10 seconds and instantly recharges every weapon. During this 10 seconds apex, all weapons’ cooldown drops to 50% and Lotus gets sped up. Duration: 10 seconds Cooldown decrease (of weapons 1, 2 and 3 during the ultimate): 50% Full Metal Judge Weapon 1: Triple Tap This is the good ol’ classic Full Metal Judge 3-missiles burst Damage per missile: 60 Cooldown: 2 seconds Defensive mode: receives a 60 of protection when hit the targets Weapon 2: Dead or Alive The Dead or Alive weapon is a switch to activate defensive or offensive mode. By default, the FMJ starts the match on defensive mode. Defensive mode: receives shield constantly and when hit enemies Offensive mode: receives constant damage (6 per second), but all the weapons deal more damage. Cooldown: 1,5 second Defensive mode: 15 (shield per second) Offensive mode: 6 (self damage) Offensive mode: 50% more damage in all the weapons Weapon 3: Relentless Plague Speeds up and deals damage while hitting enemies. Cooldown: 6 seconds Damage: 300 per second Duration: 2 seconds Defensive mode: Receives 60 of shield when hitting enemies Ultimate Weapon: Sentence: Death This is classic: the Death Sentence keeps the “triple tap” unloading 30 missiles on the enemies. Duration: 4,2 seconds Arena Selection update As the Cursed Necropolis arena comes to the Heavy Metal Machines, the maps selection behavior changes a little bit. Now, level 1 and 2 players will play in the Cursed Necropolis automatically. The other two arenas will be available as those players reach level 3. From the level 3 above, the arenas will be selected randomly, with 33% of chance for each one of the 3 maps. General The “quick chat” (or chat wheel) has been removed from the game Gameplay Bomba The damage dealt when the bomb was thrown has been removed New efect: Throwing the bomb will push the players and clear the path Dev Notes: “After several internal tests, we noticed that the damage dealt by the bomb was affecting the fast-paced gameplay. There were moments the players didn’t understand where the damage was coming from. For now, this damage is off, but it is subject to changes in the future. Added strength to the bomb when it hits the wall Minor adjustments in the bomb throwing mechanics Overtime Overtime has been temporarily removed Dev Notes: “We decided to removed this feature temporarily based on the feedback provided by the community. We realized this feature isn’t well shaped enough to fulfill our expectations. We are going to keep working on it so it will be part of a better and greater experience to the players. Camera The camera point of view is about 10% higher Dev Notes: “Changing the camera is one of the ways to make the game more ‘understandable’. It will increase the field of view and make the game a little bit slower without changing the real speed of the machines” Interface New background screen in the main menu Visual upgrade in the loading screen Characters Balance Metal Herald Weapon 2 Decreased the cost of life from 180 to 90 Weapon 3 Decreased the duration of 1 second to 0,75 second Decreased the received shield from 240 to 180 Intangibility removed Little Monster Passive Weapon Self repair increased from 70% to 100% Stingray General Decreased the unarmed time after using the weapons Weapon 2 Adjusted the distance and speed to improve the gameplay Increased the warmup from 0,25 second to 0,5 second Photon Weapon 1 Decreased the maximum damage from 180 to 120 Weapon 3 Decreased the damage per second from 75 to 60 Ultimate Intangibility removed Bug Fixes The bug that didn’t allow the machines to reach top speed before using the nitro for the first time has been fixed. It reached 95% of the total speed before using the Nitro, and afterwards it stabilized to 100% after its first use.
  3. General Round-start mini game has been automated. All vehicles will boost automatically as long as the player is accelerating. The function for selecting a position on the starting grid has been removed Players will be automatically set in their ideal position depending of the pilots that they choose. Visual and usability enhancements on the in-game stats screen (Tab). Visual enhancements on the help screen (F1). All the icons of the pilots’ weapons have been redesigned. Added an icon in some buttons to indicate that it leads to an external website. Visual enhancements on the match winners animation. Visual enhancements on weapons interface. Visual enhancements on the minimap. Visual enhancements on the score bar. The tug of war has been removed from the interface. Visual enhancements on the Main Menu. A poll button has been added to the Match End Screen. The match rating system has been added to the Match End Screen. The store has been disabled during the test period. Skins’ selection have been disabled during the test period. Wildfire has a temporary new model. Visual enhancements on the game’s objective arrow. Visual enhancements on general messages screen. The game audio has been adjusted. Gameplay redesigned General The possibility of colliding with allies has been added. The weight difference between cars has been added. The size of some pilots has been changed. The nomenclature for the “Dazed” effect has been changed. The new name is “Skid” The negative effect upon activating the bomb grabber has been changed: Removed: Weapons disabled Added: “Skid” The in-game upgrades store has been removed. The driveability has been adjusted. Added a new interaction with the Blockers. Now, the link between bomb and carrier can be broken if it was forced. Dev notes: After analyzing the data, we noticed that players who made more action in a match had the tendency to stay more in the game. From that, we changed the gameplay to make it faster and more lethal, rewarding more the manual skills of the players. Artificer Weapon 1: Ride the Lightning Shoots a lightning that repairs allies and causes damage to enemies. It will only be destroyed if it collides with the scenario and/or gets its maximum range. Damage: 120 Repair: 120 Reloading time: 1,5 seconds. Weapon 2: Thunderstruck Creates a lightning that causes damage to enemies around. Opponents who are directly on her front will get the double of the damage. Damage: 120 (240) Reloading time: 10 seconds Weapon 3: Electric Engine Boosts her machine forward. Reloading time: 6 seconds. Special Weapon: Thunderdome. Creates a magnetic field that causes damage and skid to all enemies around. Damage per second: 150 Duration: 4 seconds Passive: Metallic Bond Repairs allies around. Repair per second: 45 Little Monster Weapon 1: Syphon of Destruction Vacuums opponents in front of her machine, pulling them and causing a total damage of 50 Damage per second: 50 Duration: 1 second Reloading time: 3 seconds Weapon 2: Mosh Pit Jumps causing damage to enemies when landing. Falling above an enemy makes Little Monster jump again and reload the Weapon 3. Damage: 125 Reloading time: 10 seconds Weapon 3: Stampede Accelerate abruptly, getting the impulse even if she is on the air. Reloading time: 6 seconds Special Weapon: Iron Maiden Jumps causing damage to enemies when landing and repair Little Monster. Falling above an enemy makes Little Monster jump again. Damage: 150 Repair per second: 88 Duration: 5 seconds Passive: Trash Metal Crushes enemies in touch with her front part, causing damage and auto-repairing. Damage per second: 180 Stingray Weapon 1: Discs of Doom Shoots discs that cause damage to enemies. The lateral discs cause 60 of damage and the middle one causes 80. If it is shot from a point-blank position, causes just 80 of damage. Lateral discs damage: 60 Central disc damage: 90 Point blank damage: 80 Reloading time: 2.5 seconds Weapon 2: Power Wave Shoots a wave that causes damage to enemies. The wave doesn’t pass through opponents. Damage: 300 Reloading time: 10 seconds Weapon 3: Powerslide Boosts himself causing damage and pushing the enemies Damage: 75 Reloading time: 6 seconds Special Weapon: Ultra Final Blaster Shots a frontal longshot laser that causes damage to enemies. The laser has four different areas and each one of them cause a specific damage. Damage: 200 ~ 800 Wildfire Weapon 1: Flaming Sphere Shoots a fireball that causes damage to enemies. Explosion damage: 80 Projectile damage: 80 Reloading time: 1,75 second Weapon 2: Blast of Fire Creates a fire area that explodes after a certain time. Damage per second: 125 Explosion damage: 200 Reloading time: 10 seconds Weapon 3: Volcanic Road Accelerate leaving a fire trail behind that causes damage. Damage per second: 80 Reloading time: 6 seconds Special Weapon: Hellfire Creates a big fire area that explodes after a certain time. Damage per second: 200 Explosion damage: 200 Passive: Through the Fire and Flames Wildfire is immune to lava damage. New respawn mechanic A new respawn has been added to the arenas. After being destroyed, the player will have to wait for a reconstruction time. During this time, the camera will focus only in the bomb. After this time, the player will be able to choose a spot of the arena to go back, marking the spot with a counter. When the players go back to the arena, they get invulnerable for a certain time and enemies that are in the respawn spot are instantaneously destroyed. Dev notes: We notice that, with the old respawn mechanic, players spent a lot of time out of the action. This happened due to the need to move from the respawn point to the bomb. Aiming to fix this problem, we developed a new reconstruction mechanic which allows players to go back right into the combat again. Overtime Each round has a maximum time. At the end of this time, the match will enter Overtime. During the Overtime: The two delivery points (blue and red) are going inwards in same speed through the track getting closer to the middle of the arena. Dev notes: After a data analysis, we noticed that matches with excessive duration had a worse retention than quick ones. Keeping this in mind, we developed a new mechanic which makes it harder for matches to have an excessive duration, turning the final minutes more exciting. Known bugs When the commands are customized on “B” button, there are still some messages about the store. In some occasions, the bomb goes visually inside the Little Monster pilot when she grabs the bomb. In some occasions, the reconstruction interface got stuck in the screen after coming back from the automatic pilot. Sometimes, when you are reconstructing, the audio fails for a moment. When the player joins a match in the Spectator Mode, the TAB button with the stats won’t work. In some occasions, when a player reconnects with the game, his/her car becomes invisible.
  4. General The Christmas theme has been removed from the Temple of Sacrifice arena; The Christmas bomb has been removed; The Christmas-themed background picture has been removed from the Main Menu. Bugs Fixed Fixed bugs in this version: Endgame cards were misaligned; Casual Match and Custom Match cards were misaligned; Some cards’ edges had irregular black pixels; Private messages feedbacks got stuck on the screen; Inconsistent rewards icons in the end screen after the player leveled up; Help screen (F1) didn’t open in some cases during the match; Stats screen (Tab) didn’t open in some cases during the match; Game menu (ESC) didn’t open in some cases during the match; Players got stuck on end screen if they finished the match AFK (away from keyboard) Bomb’s texture got checkered; “Copy Access Code” and “Select an Arena” buttons didn’t work in some cases; Last chat line doesn’t appear when the chat is opened; Complete Mission window overlayed the Daily Rewards window; The “Alt+Tab” command closed the game in some cases; Some friends didn’t appear available on the friend’s list in some situations; Machine’s level didn’t get updated in the profile screen; Sprites and textures don’t load after the purchase of Cash by a player and the game’s restart; Cash purchase button was working only in the Main Menu; When the player buys a model, the store doesn’t show the model as already purchased in some cases; Fade out from Game Mode screen to the Main Menu partially overlays the buttons’ animation. Skill rate bar in the pick screen appears with low graphics quality; Social media tooltip overlayed the other buttons in the bottom of the Main Menu; Stingray appeared for a short time as the pre-selected pilot in the pick screen instead of Little Monster in some cases; Player goes to an endless loading when quickly clicks in a model on the store and tries to open the Settings menu after this; In the pick screen, “Caster” still appears as “Narrador” doesn’t matter the player’s language; Mouse scroll didn’t move at the right speed (slower); Clunker’s advantage has some graphic effects issues in some cases.
  5. Metal Christmas The time-limited Christmas event has been added to the game. It will be available from 12/21/2017 to 01/11/2018. Temple of Sacrifice The Temple of Sacrifice arena has been customized with the Christmas theme, with a lot of replaced or modified elements according to the special holiday decoration Christmas bomb The bomb received a Christmas special skin chosen through votes from the community The bomb will be available in both arenas Background The main menu background has been replaced The pick screen background has been replaced The loading screen background has been replaced
  6. Bugs fixed Fixed bugs in this version: Camera got out of the character after the respawn in Temple of Sacrifice Machine’s model got stuck in the scenario after being destroyed Friend’s list shortcut doesn’t open after completing the tutorial Metal Herald’s Weapon 2 doesn’t hit players at medium or high speed News window doesn’t open for some players Chat group tab remains opened even after the player’s exiting Randomly the players respawn at the place where they were destroyed and then are teleported directly to the base Spectator got the same treatment on the pause chat given to regular players Game would randomly not generate the arena’s foliage Reduced the tooltip’s activation area in the pilot’s role inside the store Game would randomly close when utilizing the Alt+Enter command Game would randomly close upon accepting a match Game would randomly close upon entering a match Game would randomly close upon finishing a match Game would randomly close while loading a match Game would randomly close during the splash screen Game would randomly close when the player changed the client between monitors Game would randomly close upon changing the Full-Screen mode for the Windowed Mode, and vice-versa. The social media tooltip was overlaying other buttons from the lower menu Group feedback would randomly get stuck on the screen Black Lotus’ card appears for a second before loading the correct character that the player has chosen
  7. Unity 5 HMM’s game engine was changed to Unity 5. In-game impacts - Improvements from a technical point of view Rewrote the way the textures are loaded and used in-game Performance and stability gain Rewrote part of the loading system Loading time performance gain Improvements in the video memory and RAM memory usage Lots of improvements in the internal flow of development In-game impacts - Improvements from the user’s point of view Improvements in the client’s stability, resulting in fewer memory problems and crashes. Performance gain in low-performance machines Arena Lighting Improvements in the arenas’ illumination 32 bits system incompatibility Now the game is compiling in 64 bits, and is no longer supporting the 32 bits operating system format 32 bits representativity in the player’s database Only 2.69% of players who have played at least one match in the past 90 days used the 32 bits system Improvements required to play Heavy Metal Machines again Install a 64 bits operating system Known bugs Small visual elements problems in machines with AMD video card, but nothing that can ruin the player’s experience.
  8. “Metallophobia” event All the Halloween contents have been removed Halloween special skins from the in-game store Main menu background art Loading screen art Halloween special bomb 3D art Bugs fixed Fixed bugs in this version: Bomb passes through the blockers in some cases Players don’t get Fame rewards in some cases Difficulties in collecting pick-ups with Full Metal Judge Bomb gets stuck between blockers at Temple of Sacrifice Bomb gets stuck on unreachable spots at Metal God Arena Tutorial unavailable in some cases Pilots cannot be picked in some cases Team tags flipped in the Champions Monument at Temple of Sacrifice Controllers preference doesn’t save when the player reconnects Friends list doesn’t appear in some cases Troubles in the code creation for Custom Matches Custom Matches codes with “I” (vertical bar) caused endless loading Endless loading when a player joins a Custom Match at the same time the leader starts the match Restore default audio settings doesn’t restore the voice chat and announcer settings Last used skin automatically picked when the time runs out at the pick screen Standard skin picked even if the player chooses another specific skin in some cases Enemy Clunker’s weapon 1 becomes blue when used Player gets stuck in endless loading when joining a Custom Match in some cases New Brazilian caster - Detonator, the “Filhinho do Deus Metal” A new caster option has been added to the game Caster Detonator (PT-BR) Places where you can change casters: Character’s pick screen Audio settings in the main menu
  9. General We made some improvements on our network structure, increasing the stability for all players and mainly for those who have a poor connection and lag problems. This will result in: 75% fewer disconnections 150% more car control in lag peaks
  10. Metallophobia Added the “Heavy Metal” skin category . Skins of this category will not only have visual changes but also changes on the special effects of its skills. Added 4 Halloween skins to the Metallophobia event. Little Monster skin: Name: It’s Alive! Cost: 915 Cash Category: Heavy Metal Rampage skin: Name: Arachnophobia Cost: 915 Cash Category: Heavy Metal Black Lotus skin: Name: Curse of Nefertem Cost: 915 Cash Category: Heavy Metal Artificer skin: Name: 71st Witchcraft Cost: 915 Cash Category: Heavy Metal Standard bomb has been replaced by the Halloween bomb (Bombkin) New background image for the Main Menu. New images for the loading and round transition (splash) screens Launched a DLC, which contains a bundle with the 4 Halloween skins plus the “Simply the Best” Black Lotus’ skin.
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